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******** Chaos ********

**** 1. Money ****
Change requires resources. To many, this means money. Money is a driving force in our world--in the current system. Money drives action. Action drives outcomes. Most people can be bought, so it is reasonable to see money as an indirect but universal means.

**** 2. Drive versus Direction ****
However, while money--and other drivers, of course--drive action, what decides the direction? That is, what decides what the money is meant to go to, to contribute to? What is it meant to achieve and how? As with any weapon, that is the responsibility of the wielder and whomever they may report to.

**** 3. Human Weakness ****
In human nature lies our greatest weaknesses. After all, to err is human. In our monkey brains is a desire for control, belonging, survival, and many other such understandable things. They have indeed kept us alive all this time. But there are two weaknesses in this. First, we will never wish to betray these desires. Second, we will never wish to decline anything that offers to fulfill these desires. As such, our nature will have us succumb to anything--or anyone--who plays into both of these weaknesses. A system that depends on our pursuit of these desires can safely presume they will find it.

**** 4. Chaos ****
But what of those who cannot be bought? What of those who simply wish to see the world burn? What people cannot understand is a murder without motive. A white collar crime without a money trail. A person willing to sacrifice everything just to do what is right. Those are the things that go unsolved. They do not make sense because they break from our human weaknesses and the assumptions that are predicated on them. Chaos is freedom.

It is in our nature to assert control upon the world around us. We establish artificial rules and structure. We try to make sense of things simply because they do not make sense. Likewise, however, chaos is the nature of this world. Our behavior is deviant. Creating and sustaining are monumental efforts, while no action at all is required for it to crumble. Any disruption to those efforts will beget the destruction of all that was built. Chaos is the default.

As such, anyone can be empowered to destroy, and that is enough. These will be the tools to remove all imbalances. The most powerful and long-standing institutions can be replaced by whatever comes next. It does not matter what others choose to build from the rubble; it must be good or it, too, will crumble. Chaos is equality.

If there is any key to asymmetric conflict, it is chaos.

**** 5. Direction ****
While the existing powers hold the drivers of change, their use requires care. If one can control the direction of such forces, it does not matter who wields them--it does not matter who fires the gun if you decide where it is aimed.

For the strong among us who can drive the march towards destruction, ignoring the human impulses will enable circumvention of every defense the powers that be have against opposition. These must be the ones who lead. The weaker majority--many still true believers themselves--must make assets of themselves, contributing to objectives as able and providing support and obfuscation to those who can drive further. Get in, act, and get out of the way. There is no shame in stepping aside; they will be honored for their service. Those who remain beyond their usefulness and thus obstruct or even jeopardize their comrades' efforts are adversaries.

Outsiders and adversaries ought to be exploited. Everyone is useful, witting or not. Between useful idiots, misdirected opposition, dual-use endeavors, and the like, objectives are furthered while it becomes impossible to identify the source. Exploit their own human weaknesses. Prey on their need to belong, their want to help others of their sort, their greed, their pride, and every other facet of what makes humans human. Extortion and other such "hard" measures are reckless, surrendering the ambiguous chaos for an easy win. Guide their hand and make them satiated for having eaten out of yours. At the end of it, even an adversary should still feel he has fought well. He will never know of his contributions to his own detriment.

That knowledge will rest with the strong.
